How to Register: Classes for Children
August is Registration Month
All dancers complete two steps each August to register for the academic year:
Complete the online registration form to provide contact information, class schedule, and note any medical concerns.
Mail your tuition payment to the office address by August 31.
Tuition for the 2024-25 Academic Year:
Beginning Levels - one class/week = $450
Intermediate & Advanced Levels - two 1 hour classes/week = $775
Company Class - 1.5 hour classes 2/week = $925, 3/week = $1250, 4/week=$1550
Tuition covers all classes in the academic year (September 9 - May 9). Tuition includes state tax. Rehearsals are not conducted during class time.
Tuition Payment Options
Option 1 is to pay tuition in full by August 31 and receive a 10% discount.
Option 2 is to pay 50% tuition by August 31 and pay the 50% balance by November 1.
Checks should be made out to “Academy of Ballet” and mailed to our office address (Academy of Ballet | 4682 Camelot Dr. | Dubuque, IA 52002).
The Academy of Ballet enrollment is limited to 125 students.
Students new to the Academy of Ballet may email or call at any time of the year to ask questions or be placed on a contact list. Individuals on the contact list will receive registration information when available each summer. Some classes fill quickly, especially the Beginning Ballet Class for ages 6 and 7.
**Please note: We accept students at age 6 and older.
We contact our dancers and families primarily through email. Please enable your server to accept our address:
Current students are reserved class placement until the registration deadline of August 31. Registration is processed upon completion of the online registration form and receipt of tuition payment.
Transfer students may enroll mid-year, if space allows. Transfer students must learn and adhere to our rules and regulations regarding uniform and conduct.
Sous-sus en pointe
Transfer students may be required to take a 'placement class' to determine level of training. This is simply attending a class in session, and allowing the instructor to assess previous training. Please contact us to schedule a placement class.
If you are considering enrollment at the Academy of Ballet, you are welcome to attend our All Class Presentation at the Grand Opera House. This free event provides an excellent view of our students and their progression. After the presentation, Marina or Megan will gladly take you on a tour of the Academy of Ballet, located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Grand Opera House Building.